Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Life Lost

Last night I received a message from a friend telling me (and others) that a former classmate from high school had passed away last week.

I knew this girl who has passed away, but we were never really in the same friendship groups.

The news I've had from people I went to school with are of engagements, marriages and births, but this is the first death of a classmate that I have heard.

The friend who originally sent the message told me that she had killed herself, and today I found out that she had run out in front of a train. It's horrible to think that she thought death was her only option.
The saddest part is that the strongest memory I have of her was from an incident in our final year, where she attempted to overdose on painkillers. That day she had been approaching people, asking if they had any painkillers to give her. She approached me, but I had used up the last on a headache. It wasn't until later that day we discovered why she had been collecting them, when the ambulance approached the school and gossip spread. At that time she was unsuccessful, but to know that she's tried again makes me feel horrible inside.

I have not shed any tears since hearing the news, but I have felt both guilty and sad which is twisting up my insides.

RIP Bonnie. May you find what you were looking for.

Over and out.

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