Friday, February 25, 2011

How my day went from Awkward to Upsetting

Tuesday sucked.

First I was a uni that day, and well I don't really know anyone in my studio class except two girls who I briefly studied with previously. So I spent the 5 hour class sitting at a table on my own listening to my ipod while constructing models for my project. For lunch I went out to some grassy area and ate by myself. I'm such a loner. But I get too nervous and shy with people I don't know.

Later that afternoon I went to see the Skills Assistant people to help me organise myself for the year (to help manage actually doing assignments. I have trouble with some areas).

Eventually evening came along and I went of to training. While I was there I received a call from my sister Miss Attitude. I hadn't actually spoken to her in a few days as she wasn't returning my phone calls. Now it was one of the dreaded calls, as when I answered she was crying. She told me that one of my great aunts had died but she wasn't sure which one it was.

I did as anyone would do; I grabbed my stuff, headed to my car and drove straight home to get some answers. There I confirmed with Baby Sis as to which great aunt it was.

At any rate it was a sudden and quick occurrence from an immediate observation (not that I was there, but my parents were and I heard their account of what they saw) but they were going to take her off for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

As I said it was something sudden. I was told that she was at work earlier that day, cleaning houses, and spoke to one of her sisters on the phone in the afternoon. It wasn't until the evening when her son and one of her grandsons came to see her that they found her.

At the moment I still don't know much of what's happened. But hopefully soon the story will piece itself together and we can have some closure. Not looking forward to the funeral though.

RIP Tia Charo

UPDATE: This was posted a bit late, so the day I'm referring to is Tuesday 15th February

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Multicultural Festival

One of the highlights of the year is the annual Multicultural Festival. It's held in my city, and generally used to be about 10 days long. Now it runs over a weekend (Friday - Sunday) due to the government reducing the budget for it. Damn government officials! *shakes fist* Ruining all our fun.

Anyways the two "events" (as I'll call them ) which are the favourites are the Food and Drink day/evening, and the Latin Night festival. This year they combined the two different events into the one day. Now as much as I love going to both these things, it felt like too much to do it on the one day. BUT, I did still have fun, for the amount of time I was there.

Everywhere there are stalls, on one strip contains all the different cultures and some tradition foods (lot's of Asian, African, pacific islander, and European food) with people packed either standing around chatting (it's a small city, you bump into people you know), lining up to get some food or watching performances on the many stages. Sometimes the performances are not even on the stages, people gather into a circle as the play music on the street.

Some of the music I saw was lots of African drums, along with dancers. And I must say they are amazing! So much energy goes into the dances, and they always are happy and cheerful. Saw a few performances actually, one as below:

Also saw some Bolivian guys playing instruments and singing.

Then there was the food. I ended up getting a completo from the Chilean stand (hotdog), some loukoumades from the Greek stall, and some Paella and Sangria from the Spanish stall.

Every year, one of my favourite foods to get are the Dutch Pancakes. Seriously, every single person is out to get a plate. They are amazing! Unfortunately this year, The Boyfriend took a look at the line and flat out refused to wait in it (generally was about a half hour wait).

This is what I recall him saying:

"There's no way they're actually THAT good"

I beg to differ.

Anyways, apart from not being able to get my favourite food, I had a good time. I cannot wait to experience it all next year!

Until then

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Back to School

After several months break, I am finally back at Uni.

Today I went to my first class. Truth be told, I was feeling quite nervous. Will I know anyone, will I make any friends? The answer to that is: YES! Two girls I had studied with previously that ended up taking some time off and resuming the following year (i.e. with the group below mine) were there. It was quite nice to see some friendly faces. And they introduced me to some of their friends. Unfortunately I forgot most of the names.

Also discovered that my course convener is a past student of my fathers. He used to teach Autocad for night classes, and I swear most of the design community knows him through that.

So yes, I was feeling very nervous about how I would cope. For the first class anyway, it appears to have gone well. The study load is looking a bit tough though. Luckily I have booked a session with the Academic Skills centre, and with the help of some of the counsellors and such I should be able to pass the course this time round.

For now, I must start thinking about what kind of models I need to make for my first project. Night

PS - I am so excited! Bought my ticket to see Dizzee Rascal today! Cannot wait until the 4th of March woo!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Show Results

Yesterday I went to the Bungendore Show along with The Boyfriend and his parents. To tell you the truth, I think we were all eager to see how each of us fared with judging. After entering, The Boyfriend and I parted with his parents as they went off to find out about milking cows. We decided that the moment had come to see our fate. We browsed through the art and crafts which we on the opposite side of the pavilion, building the suspense up. Not being able to hold off any longer, we rushed about to where the cakes were located. And this is what I found with my cake:

I was so excited! I actually got a place! After a glance I saw that there were five cakes entered in the same category. I may not have won, but I did beat two others. And for me, that counts as a win. I did get a certificate for it after all.

The Boyfriend had entered in some bread - two different categories - and got a first and second. He managed to beat his father, which I think is pretty cool as he's a good cook. But then again so is The Boyfriend.

After hanging around that pavilion for a while, showing off our wins to family, we went around to the dog show which is quite the highlight. There's so many different kinds of dogs there. This year, my favourite was the French Shepard. Goodness it was adorable!

Other than bumping into an old high school friend, not too much else happened.

I am still quite excited about my third place. Perhaps this experience will make me want to cook more often...only time will tell!