Friday, December 31, 2010


It's been about a week since I first started on holidays and I feel as though I've done nothing yet achieved a lot in that time. I guess the nothingness comes from having to fill in my entire day with something, as opposed to going  to work for 9 hours (don't worry, I get an hour break in that time) then finishing my evening with soccer training, or catching up with friends etc.

As for these holidays, so far I have celebrated Christmas, gone down to the coast for a few days, played too many games of table tennis, gone to the pool a few times and read multiple books. Oh, as well as catching up with friends and hanging out on the lounge watching movies/tv shows.

The pool had been fun. The Boyfriend and I went down to my local pool which has the only waterslides in my city. Mind you it's barely anything, yet we had lots of fun.

On Tuesday, I met up with Miss Attitude and The Gazman (who had already been there for a few hours) and together we went up and down the slides, having a ball. Later on, after having bestowed a few injuries and incidents of water going up noses, we decided to hang out in the main pool.Which, turned out to be that The Boyfriend and The Gazman lined up to have a go of the wipeout style inflatable obstacle course. I couldn't help but have a laugh when The Boyfriend got stuck on one of the obstacles. He managed to beat it and continued on through to the end. We had some hot chips (cos that's what you do at the pool) and afterwards Miss Attitude and The Gazman left to go home. The Boyfriend and I decided to stay a while longer and rode down the slides a few more times. Later on we called it quits and headed home.

Though on our way out, three police cars arrived to talk to a young man who had been sitting beside our camping spot. Earlier on, The Boyfriend and I had witnessed one of the pool authorities tell this young man to leave. But our eavesdropping skills weren't up to scratch so we didn't end up hearing much. But as we were driving off, a last glimpse of the pool showed that it was indeed the same guy as before. And I wonder, what did he actually do?

Yesterday we went back to the same pool, along with Baby Sis. Truth be told, I didn't want to go but the other two did, so I went to. Ok yes, most likely I was being unreasonable. But it was only The Boyfriend who witnesses this. He's done well to read my moods. In the end, it was mostly uneventful.

Though earlier in the day I did learn this, water sliding is a popular yet serious sport in Germany. The reigning speed-chuting champion is a guy called Jens Scherer. If you're interested in learning a bit more, read this article.

I am yet to finish filling up my day today. Though it may be spent reading and blogging, until later tonight when The Boyfriend and I go to a friends place to celebrate New Years Eve. I'm excited to be going (though feeling a little guilty too, as I strongly wanted to attend this party opposed to another we were invited to). At any rate, another mutual friend should be attending so he'll know someone else there.

I hope everyone has a fun night! I know I will be...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lazy Days...

It's the small things that entertain.

I was just sitting here, in the lounge room just minding my own business when Miss Attitude's boyfriend - The Gazman - came in. He was driving his new remote controlled car (which he received from my parents) and following closely to the car was my sister Miss Drama's puppy.

The Puppy is a black Labrador and she is the funniest thing to watch. But that's when she's not annoying you. She gets herself into lots of trouble with my parents.


I'm watching her now, as she leaps and pounces. Desperate to get this moving toy. I can almost hear her mind speaking:


She is the biggest gumby. The way she pounces, it just looks hysterical! Every now and again she bats it with her paw and it remains, to which she ends up using it like a skate.

Now that she's all pumped up I hope someone will take her out for a walk. I also hope that someone isn't me. Until then I shall continue to laugh as she chases the car around the lounge room.

Over and out

*UPDATE* - Sister 1 is now Miss Drama, Sister 2 is Miss Attitude and Sister 3 is Baby Sis. Still yet to introduce my brother

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Years Resolutions?

The end of the year is drawing closer and it's now that I like to start thinking up new years resolutions for the coming year.

It needs to be something which I can achieve, and something to help me better myself as a person. So far I only really have one goal: Go back to Uni, finish my degree.

It's only one year, yet so far I have not been able to complete it. I started Uni the beginning of this year but eventually had a breakdown from a number of different influences (Uni, work, family). I wasn't really staying in a good environment. Anyways next year will be different. I had a bit of a go and now I understand (finally) what is required of me. I also know where I can find support if I should need it. Sometimes though my pride prevents me from stopping and asking questions, especially if I don't understand something. I shouldn't let that stop me, and will make a better effort to seek out those who have offered me help. I may also go back to seeing a counsellor. That helped quite a bit when I was trying to complete the diploma I needed to continue for this degree.

Hmm apart from that, I guess it's about not bottling up my issues or problems. It's something The Boyfriend finds frustrating with me at times, though I know he can usually coax it out of me. I guess a lot of it has to do with not wanting to speak ill of anyone. Ok it's not always the case, but with those I care about I can't say anything bad about them.

That's about all I can think about for the moment.

Also an addition from the last post - I went out shopping and got myself a new case for my netbook (which I'm currently writing from). Completely in love with it!

The dinner bell has rung (ok my Dad came into my room and announced DINNER!) so I'm off to stuff my face...politely :)


Wow. So Christmas has come and gone for another year.

Once again I spent Christmas Eve celebrating with my immediate family and a few family friends. It was a mostly uneventful evening, though one of my sisters - Miss Attitude - went off to her room early in the evening for an unknown reason and refused to come out again.

The following day after swapping gifts with my family, The Boyfriend and I headed on down to the Coast to have Christmas lunch with his family. It was nice to relax in another environment. I always love going down to the coast, I don't seem to go as much now that I'm older.
We also spent boxing day (yesterday) down there, where we went to The Beach with The Boyfriends Parents, and visited a friend who was staying near us. Who knew I was any good at Wii? All in all a lazy day which I enjoyed immensely.
The Boyfriend and I drove back this morning as he needed to work. Now I'm back in my own home doing the washing from the trip and inbetween writing this up. Soon I shall head off to The Post-Christmas Sales and shop me up a storm. Not really. Mostly will be searching for a new case/sleeve for my netbook (present from The Boyfriend).
But for something fun, here's a youtube clip of this A Capella singer I discovered this past week. His name is Mike Tompkins. I may be slightly obsessed with him at the moment. Shhh. Anyways below I have included a clip of my favourite covers he's done:

I hope everyone has a good Christmas and spent it with those they love.

Over and out!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Uplifting Quote

Every now and then I come across some quotes which I feel make me stop and think, a lot of the time having to regard myself. Here's one I found:

"The most important thought you can ever hold is: Your Life Matters" - David McNally

Sometimes when I'm feeling a bit down, I look at these words and remember them.

I hope you remember them too

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Today I had to go see the doctor.

As I was sitting in the waiting room I spied a brochure about anxiety. Naturally being a curious creature, I decided to squint and attempt to read from a distance. Funny that It Didn't Work. So I quickly got up and snatched one up. Whilst ready it, I came across one paragraph which I thought most related to me. Here it said:

"Specific Phobia: When a person has a Specific Phobia, he/she feels very fearful about a particular object or situation. As a result, people may go to great lengths to avoid these objects/situations, making it difficult for them to go about their daily life. Examples include fear of having an injection or travelling on a plane."

Fear Of Having An Injection. Yep, that's me right there. I hate needles. I get nervous and tense around them. Seeing them is awful. Even thinking about it causes me to break out in a sweat. Just writing about it right now, I have clammy palms and the muscles in my shoulder have tensed up. I have to constantly move my hands, usually end up wringing them together.

I looked up the phobia of needles which turned out to be:

Aichmophobia - fear of needles or pointed objects.

Ok back to my point of this post. So before I had read this brochure, I did notice that my anxiety levels were rising. I was agitated and starting to sweat. And while I was sitting there I tried to figure out what was wrong with me. After a moment, I realised that it was because I don't go to the doctor often and that the last few times I'd been there was to get various injections. Unconsciously I think my body was reacting to my location. I started freaking out a little b it and had to take a few moments to calm myself down and remind myself that I wasn't there to get any injections. Because if I were, there's no chance that I'd be alone.

Last time I had to go there was for a flu shot, to which I dragged The Boyfriend along. I know he's spoken to his mother about my fear and she believes that it's something that might be put on. Not that I don't necessarily have a legitimate fear, but because I'm usually with someone I put it on more to gain sympathy.

Yeah I agree, sometimes I could possibly be like that. But there are a lot of cases where I've been alone and have had the exact same reaction. Unfortunately I believe I do have a phobia.

It's been hard writing up this post, but good to talk about it as well. After reading the brochure, I realise it does rule my life to an extent. I avoid having to see or hear about it, and try to get out of as many injections as possibly.

And now I'm off to try stop the anxious feeling that's started up

I Smelled a Homeless Guy at the Dinner Table because That's How I Roll

This is the latest craze to hit facebook. I received a message from a girlfriend, saying to pass it onto all female's I know via facebook in order to confuse the opposite gender. Sorry girls but I shall give out the secret, not that many people will be reading this at all.

The words refer to:
Month you were born in
Day you were born on
Last digit of the year you were born
Colour of the shirt you're currently wearing

We shall see whether of not this grows over the week, and whether any males can work out what we're talking about. Girl Power!

I wonder when the summer is officially going to kick in. December began 16 days ago now, yet I don't believe we've actually made it to 30°. Yet we've had an enourmous amount of rain fall, which is a good thing seeing as we've been in a drought for the last decade or longer. I'm not exactly sure of the correct facs, but I feel it's something I should look up. Anyway, with all the rainfall our dams have filled up to 100%. I think it was quite a shock to those who live in my city, considering in the past the dam had been as low as 47% full.

It's a wonderful feeling knowing you don't have to worry about water so much, but it'll be good to keep some of the habits from the drought period. Who knows if or when it could come back...

Have a good day!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yeah I'm Lame

As it turns out, I'm not so good with posting often. I am yet to finish writing up my wonderful Sydney trip but until then will have to be satisfied with this.

So far this week, being at work has been crazy. I'd jumped straight back into it and discovered there was a lot more I need to achieve by the week's end. Fingers crossed that I can complete it all.

Yesterday was especially hard to make it through the day, though in the end it was my own fault. The night before I Accidently Stayed Up until 5am. I swear it was an accident. And I had to get up at 7.30am. So yeah, sleep was lacking that night. But I had been reading Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead, and eventually ended up finishing it in the one sitting. Anyways I shall do another post (note to self: spend time writing more posts) with a review of the book and series.

But for now, I shall continue to work, catch up with some friends and will even be seeing Linkin Park on Thursday night. Yet another post I'll have to do :)

Yet for now, have a good day!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Quickly Quickly

And so I am back.

Had a wonderful time in Sydney, and will write up a more detailed post tomorrow once I have uploaded my photos from my camera. Hopefully they turned out well.

But for now, shall be checking up on my twitter and facebook to see if I have received any love from friends or family. And hanging out with The Boyfriend and Baby Sis.

Goodnight! xoxo

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I have discovered the Magic of Coffee...

...Again. And it helps me get through the day.

Once again I have entered a somewhat stressful period with work. Last time it became this crazy, I was working long hours (even over a long weekend period). The following weekend I ended up being extremely sick and had to stay home from work. But that was after my work was issued out.

At the moment I am feeling the same sort of pressure (and it's the same project) although the difference here is that I have the next two days off. Yay for a long weekend for myself! The funny thing about this is that the long weekend I missed out on, well these two days off are my equivalent for it.

Today's post contains the following topics:

  • Being the middle person
    Saturday InDesign
    Harry Potter
So firstly, what I mean about "Being the Middle Person" is that sometimes I help out a friend by hooking them up with someone else I know. And not actually to hook up. Like my friend who I've been helping out with her wedding. I helped her to find a hairdresser (my mum), and she was needing someone to give her a lift to pick up her wedding invites as she doesn't drive. So I told her to get in contact with my boyfriend.
Now I have no issues with helping her out, but at the moment she keeps asking me to be the go between despite having both the phone numbers of my mums work and my boyfriends mobile. I thought that by now she would be able to go straight the person to ask them directly whether they were available or not, rather than asking me to find out for her.
Maybe I'm just being unfair and such, but at the moment it irks me. I do enough for everyone. And when I need things organised, I do it myself. Though I guess I forget that others don't think the same way as myself. That's why I haven't said anything to her. Well not this time anyway.
Now onto something a bit more interesting.
Saturday Indesign. What is it you ask? Well here's a brief overview:
"Saturday InDesign is an annual trade event for the design community, which began in Sydney in 2003, and now alternates each year between Sydney and Melbourne.
It involves Australia's premier designer furniture, finishes, fixtures and lighting showrooms opening their doors on a Saturday to allow architects, designers, students and design-savvy members of the public to enjoy the products they specify, in a showroom environment.
Saturday InDesign has traditionally been an opportunity for local and international products from hundreds of reputable brands to be launched to thousands of members os the design community in 1 day."
There's more information if you'd like it, which can be found here.
The whole point of mentioning this is that I was looking at a furniture company's website, and in the events page I found an image of myself taken at Saturday Indesign this past year (Melbourne). I was not aware the photo was being taken, but couldn't help but laughing when I saw it.
Ok can you see the girl lurking in the background with the fringe staring out into the distance? Yeah that's me. I love randomly finding photos of myself.
Last night I went and saw Harry Potter again at the movies. I had gone on the opening day with Baby Sis, but last night went with The Boyfriend. He'd been in Portland doing a placement when it first came out, and was only available to watch for three days. Fun huh? So I took pity on him and took him out.
It's still just as good the second time round. Actually I don't want to go on at the moment, as there's many things I could discuss about Harry Potter but I'm running out of time. I shall have to do another post specifically for him.
But for now, I must go to work and slog the day through. Not sure when the next post will be, as I shall be heading to Sydney tomorrow! So excited!
Have a good one! I know I will be...

Monday, December 6, 2010

All for a Better Day

Yesterday I got demolished at work.

It felt like I was thrashing about in the deep end of the pool, the work I had been given was a bit over my head. Though I did learn from it. And you do learn something new every day. By the time this joinery unit (kinda like a cabinet, it needs to be built) is finished I will be the champ at that type of detailing.

I do wish I could specify what it is I am doing, but unfortunately it's goverment work which cannot be disclosed.

Also last night I had soccer. Somewhat of a disaster as well.

My work entered into a friendly mixed social competition and it's been a joy so far playing. We have fun. Mind you, I have only played three games in the past seven as I injured my lower back playing other sports. Ok it's a bit embarrassing, but I first injured it playing dodgeball *hangs head in shame*. There's so much twisting involved! It gets intense!

Back on track now. The point of it is that we drew, when we really should have won. We had so many shots on goal yet missed the mark on every one of them. *Sigh*. There's always a next time. Hmm that does appear to be my motto of sorts.

Well it's a brand new day today and I'm hoping it shall go better than yesterday. Work is pretty busy at the moment, but that's how it is once it starts getting to christmas. Everyone wants their project completed before the shut down period. Yet there's only so much that people can do. At the moment I'm working overtime, starting early and finishing late yet it's not appreciated enough. But I just would like to get the work done, and if it means overtime well then hey, I'm already doing it.

Something I am looking forward to today is the release of the last book in the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. Ok ok, I know it's a little lame but I do enjoy reading a lot of paranormal YA fiction. Got hooked on it last year and now, I'm in need of more bookcases lol. Here's a little information from Richelle's website regarding the series:

"Two races of vampires walk our world. The Moroi are alive and wield elemental magic, while the Strigoi are undead and evil -- feeding on the innocent to survive. Rose Hathaway -- a half-vampire with poor impulse control -- is training to be a bodyguard for a Moroi princess. Learning to decapitate and stake is hard enough, but Rose's real danger may lie with an illicit romance with one of her instructors..."

Lot's of events happened in the fifth book, and now it's time for the closure. It'll be exciting to see how this ends. Can't wait for lunchtime to arrive so I can go out and purchase 'Last Sacrifice' finally.

Right I better be signing off, as I have a big day ahead of me and it's already started.

Have a good day!

Starting Afresh

Hello and welcome to my blog!

I originally started this to do reading challenges, but to tell you the truth I wasn't very consistant with updating and such. Hence was a slight disaster but I'm starting this page again (yeah I didn't blog much) and am changing the content to be more a diary expressing my thoughts, feelings and overall experiences of life.

I tend to have a few down days, so I'm hoping that by writing on here I am able to get out my problems rather than bottling them up all the time. It's not healthy. I'm also hoping to improve my writing. Well perhaps my vocabulary, because it's something I'm going to need in the coming year as I go back to university and essays become part of my life again (not looking forward to it though).

For the moment though, happier things are on the agenda, such as:

  • Muse concert
  • Linkin Park concert
  • Christmas
  • New Years
As these things come up, I shall blog of my experience.
I'm very excited for this first concert. For my boyfriend's birthday I bought him two tickets to the Muse concert. He's been a fan for years, whereas I was a more recent convert. Ok I admit it, I jumped the bandwagon after Twilight first came out. But now not liking Twilight so much anymore, got over that period, and am quite enjoying the music of Muse. Anyways back on track. His birthday was all the way back in June, and finally, finally, the time has come for the actual concert. We are driving to Sydney this thursday, as it is that night and staying on until Saturday when we come back for a friend's birthday.
We have seen them in concert once before, when we went to Big Day Out this year (music festival in Australia for those who don't know). The performance there was amazing! Laser show, with large screens playing videos and displaying the band members. It sounds though that this concert will be even better! Will have to make sure I charge my camera before I leave, so I shall have photo's to put up for my next blog.

For a first blog (again!) I've probably written enough, but will add more later on (perhaps tonight when I get home and have access to my photo's etc).
