Monday, December 27, 2010

New Years Resolutions?

The end of the year is drawing closer and it's now that I like to start thinking up new years resolutions for the coming year.

It needs to be something which I can achieve, and something to help me better myself as a person. So far I only really have one goal: Go back to Uni, finish my degree.

It's only one year, yet so far I have not been able to complete it. I started Uni the beginning of this year but eventually had a breakdown from a number of different influences (Uni, work, family). I wasn't really staying in a good environment. Anyways next year will be different. I had a bit of a go and now I understand (finally) what is required of me. I also know where I can find support if I should need it. Sometimes though my pride prevents me from stopping and asking questions, especially if I don't understand something. I shouldn't let that stop me, and will make a better effort to seek out those who have offered me help. I may also go back to seeing a counsellor. That helped quite a bit when I was trying to complete the diploma I needed to continue for this degree.

Hmm apart from that, I guess it's about not bottling up my issues or problems. It's something The Boyfriend finds frustrating with me at times, though I know he can usually coax it out of me. I guess a lot of it has to do with not wanting to speak ill of anyone. Ok it's not always the case, but with those I care about I can't say anything bad about them.

That's about all I can think about for the moment.

Also an addition from the last post - I went out shopping and got myself a new case for my netbook (which I'm currently writing from). Completely in love with it!

The dinner bell has rung (ok my Dad came into my room and announced DINNER!) so I'm off to stuff my face...politely :)

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