Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wombats Next 5kms

Or maybe not. BUT I did go see The Wombats in concert last Friday.

I was running late to pick up Baby Sis and her friend up before making the drive up to Sydney where the concert was to be held. All in all an uneventful trip. Checked into our hostel (which I thought was a little shabby) and I left the girls to fill up their own time while I picked up The Boyfriend who was to join us. He was already in Sydney for uni. Once we finally made it back to the hostel, the younger girls were picked up and we headed off for the concert (with a short break for dinner beforehand).

By the time we had arrived, the first supporting act was just finishing up. Owl Eyes, left the stage and we waited until Faker made their way up. I only really know two of Fakers songs, but overall their performance wasn't the best I had seen.

The Boyfriend did not wish to participate in photo-taking, but (left to right) here is myself, The Boyfriend's back, Baby Sis and her friend.

Finally The Wombats came out of their hole (lame joke). They ended up playing all the records from their newest album This Modern Glitch, as well as a few from their previous and first album. I didn't end up taking many photo's, and most of them were rubbish.

Though they aren't ones to put on a performance with their concerts, they still were amazing!

The only downside of the entire evening was this extremely rude girl who was "dancing" (no way that could even be considered dancing) behind us. She kept smacking into our backs and knocking us forward, as well as getting her fingers caught in Baby Sis' hair and groping The Boyfriend. With one major incident of deliberately shoving Baby Sis in the back twice after she turned around and told her to 'f- off'.

All that wasn't enough to dampen our spirits after watching The Wombats. Once the concert had finished we eagerly made our way outside to gain some fresh and clean air. All of us were pretty soaked with our own sweat (as well as others) and embraced the rain as it came down upon us.

Not much else happened. The following day we dropped The Boyfriend back at the flat he was staying at and made our way back home.

I think all of us needed that night out and dancing, and I'm glad we all had fun together. Until next time.

Over and out.

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