Sunday, September 11, 2011

Look Ma, I'm Famous

It has been way too long since I was last here, and so much has happened. But for now I feel like sharing some of the photos I found of events I attended during the month of August:

On the 5th August, I attended the Property Council Ball. This is only the second time I have attended, the first of which was a few years ago. Both times I was invited through work, so those in the photo are some of my work colleagues. It was an enjoyable night in the end, though the food wasn't as good. But everyone from my office hung around to the end of the evening, dancing and drinking the night away. The theme for the night was 'Moroccan Nights', so not knowing what to wear, I wore a sparkly dress. It was fun!

I have a friend who is a fashion designer and is slowly making a bit of a name for herself. At any rate I do love her designs. Anyway. On the 19th August she held an event to show the newest line of work she had created, also to celebrate the change of the label name. Previously her label was called Grazed Youth, but has moved on to become Stranger Than Fiction. At any rate go check out her stuff! This new line she has produced is called Bundle of Nerves, and drew inspiration from Hitchcock-style movie heroines and scientific and mathematical images from her childhood. This is the first time, since her very first collection, that I have not walked the runway for her. Definitely a different experience watching the show from the other side of the curtain. Once again will have to save up my pennies so I can purchase more of her clothing.

There was supposed to be one more image I was going to include, but it was on the Capital Football website and has, since I last saw, now been removed. Kinda glad about that though, as it was a pretty ugly photo of me attempting to tackle another girl. I have been told that I looked 'determined', which is basically a nice way of saying I looked crazed!

Over and out!

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