Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Ups and Downs when Assignments are Due

Yesterday I had my first Uni project due.

Right at this moment, I'm feeling quite happy with the result (though I am yet to get my mark). But it was a bumpy road in order to get there.

I have studio once a week on a Tuesday. And for this project we were given three weeks in order to produce a result.

The aim of the project was to be able to create a space that related to a word from a list we were given (open, closed, moving, static, directional etc) and had to complete a minimum of 15 models at either an A5 or A4 size.

By Tuesday last week (22nd Feb) I had sketches of 10 models and ideas for the rest while I went through with my lecturer. At that point she was happy with how i was progressing, as was I (considering that this was my second attempt at completing this assignment, was the same first project as last year).

The following day I went to the funeral for my Tia Charo. It was quite emotional for everyone and I didn't end up starting my final models.

I can't remember what happened Thursday, but I think I ended up reading the rest of my novel.

So Friday evening, I sat down and started to construct. Unfortunately I needed some new blades as the ones I had were getting blunt fast. I ended up only cutting the bases I needed to construct my models upon. Even then I had only managed half of them.

Saturday was a big day. Went out to the art store to stock up on blades (woo! walked around the mall with sharp stabby things) and had a quick look in Dymocks as it was nearby. Getting back home I started on the inevitable. I spent most of the day locked away in my room, listening to music whilst drawing out templates to cut out. I managed to complete 5 models, with one model half done, before I retired for the night.

The following day I continued constructing models, whilst also watching some Disney movies (plus season 4 of Big Bang Theory). I ended up working on some of the more complicated models and thus felt as though I didn't achieve much by the time I called it quits. I did get some help from my dad though. He started making 3D's of my models so that I could print out a perspective and trace over it. It could be considered cheating (as we were supposed to have hand drawn sketches) but I could care less. By that stage, I was at 8 models and the stress and worry was starting to creep in.

Monday. The last day to be able to complete. I was a nervous wreck. Hence why I think The Boyfriend decided to help me out. So I ended up making templates which he then started cutting out for me. By doing this we were able to get more done. My dad continued making 3D models for me once he got home.

As time continued on, I grew more and more frustrated with my lack of completion. I kept freaking out, and The Boyfriend kept me calm, talked to me. by 2.30am I was done with it all! I just wanted it over with. But I got up early Tuesday morning and continued slogging on. By that stage I needed to complete 2 more models, which went by quicker than I thought.

And last but not least, I had to get started on my sketches. The original plan was to put tracing paper over the top of the prints and trace them but I was running out of time. So I got my pens (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5) and set to work inking the prints. It turned out alright, you could barely tell that it was printer ink underneath, the colouring was grey so it looked more like pencil marks. The Boyfriend helped me to complete them but I was out of time! I was missing 6 sketches and the others hadn't been shaded in. I just thought "to hell with it" and packed everything up to take in with me.

Finally I made it to the studio and started setting up. Then began the long, boring process of each person presenting. I ended up being in the last third to present, so my nerves were feeling a bit shot. And before we reached my table, the lecturers needed a break so we had 15mins to go do stuff. I went and got a coffee, but I believe it may have been a bad idea as when it came for me to present, I could well and truly feel that caffeine running through my veins. I ended up being a bit shaky, but I presented each model and gave a brief explanation for it.

The feedback I received immediately afterwards was overall positive. Two negatives but was a better result than most others received.

Once everyone had completed I went home. I feel like I've come full circle in my story so I shall leave you there. I hope I get a good mark for it! *fingers crossed*

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