Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cakes and Shows

I baked a cake. You heard me right.

I don't tend to like cooking, at all. Don't get me wrong, I love to eat, but I never quite had the patience for making "a decent meal".

Now I'm spending most of the weekend at The Boyfriend's place, and he and his parents are all getting ready to enter things into the Bungendore Show. The Boyfriend and his dad are both entering bread, each having been handmade. The mum is entering some of her felting, and I feel for certain that she'll win. Even his sister is entering some photographs (ha ha one of them is of me, so in some way I am technically an entrant).

But this wasn't good enough for The Boyfriend.

He somehow bullied (that's right, I know you're reading this and you know it's true) me into entering a cake. As I previously mentioned, I'm not really one to cook. I will give him some credit though, he did look for a recipe for me, and made sure that he could provide all the ingredients for me. So what was I making? An orange cake of course (iced top).

After dinner was finished, he got to work with forcing me into the kitchen (kidding!). I then proceeded to follow the recipe, step-by-step, with his supervision. (I might add he's not a very good supervisor. He just barked instructions at me.) He made sure the oven was at the right temperature, and I got the baking tin ready for use. Now came the actual cake-y part (I add y to the end of words, just go with it). I read each step several times, and proceeded to follow with extreme caution.

I don't think I'll bore anyone with the specifics, just to say that it was somewhat of a success. I made it. I made a cake. And it didn't look too awful. The Boyfriend couldn't stop saying how proud of me he was. I'll admit, I liked the praise.

Anyways today was the day to take the food in to get judged. But first, my cake needed to be iced. Ok, so it looked a bit average by the time it was complete. It's all about the taste though, right? I won't find out until tomorrow how I fared. I do know there was at least three others entered in the Orange Cake category. Seems like tough competition. Let's see if I can pull through for the win. At any rate, my parents will discover tomorrow that I'd entered in a cake and will be thoroughly surprised.

For now, it's time to go back to my book

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